Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Post #2- Hmmm. I'll have to think on it...

After reading Oedipus, I was shocked to find that the story was still so easy to relate to everyday life, even after these many years. Our basic emotions have not changed, and I am doubtful they will. Although the everyday situations that we are in may have changed drastically, we all love and hate. Though we may not all believe in fate (including myself,) we are all aware of human connections and the fact that we are given the willpower to choose with whom these connections will be made.
Outside of the story, I was more shocked to see the differences in beliefs among the class. When discussing whether we would wish to know our fate if we were able to, It surprised me how people who have gone to the same school together since they were six, and live in the same small town can have such different view points. This made me question why I personally don't believe in fate, yet would wish to know mine if it did exist. I'm still thinking about why my personality has formed like that, and that's in a large part due to Oedipus Rex.

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